January 29, 2024

Get More Done with Pipe Relining

As we step into the new year, we’re excited to share some insights into why investing in Pipe Relining can significantly enhance your plumbing business, whether you’re a well-established enterprise or starting out.

Key Trends* in the Industry:

  • The HomeBuilder stimulus boosted demand for plumbing work in the single-unit housing market
  • Demand from apartment, non-residential building and infrastructure markets is projected to improve
  • Profitability is forecast to improve in response to stronger demand from non-house construction*IBIS World, INDUSTRY REPORT E3231: Plumbing Services in Australia

Why invest in Pipe Relining technology and skills?

01Building a Strong Reputation

Pipe Relining adds long-lasting and minimally disruptive solutions to your plumbing and drainage service, meaning happier customers.

Word-of-mouth referrals are one of the strongest ways to grow and develop your business, and including quality relining work in addition to your existing business model will further strengthen your reputation, meaning more potential for recommendations to future customers.

By using Watermarked products approved by the AS/NZS 3500 standards, and with the right training and support, you can build a reputation as an industry leader.

02 – Adding Value through Technology 

Regardless of the relining system you choose, integrating relining into your services instantly enhances the value of your business. The majority of market share in plumbing services lies with homeowners, property owners, and strata managers [1], all of whom are increasingly requesting relining as an advanced approach for pipe repair. This is due to its benefits as a less disruptive process, which also allows for superior preservation of properties and landscaping compared to traditional methods.

03 – Diversification for Business Survival

To weather market downturns, it’s essential to diversify your abilities. Adding Pipe Relining to your skills broadens the types of projects you can take on. One of the most critical success factors for this industry is the ability to adopt new technology: plumbers who can adapt to changing markets are better placed for long-term success, as they can reduce revenue volatility and optimise resource allocation. It also means you’re in an optimal position to compete for more technically challenging jobs, ensuring a steady flow of work even in difficult economic times.

04 – Differentiate Yourself

The plumbing market, both commercially and throughout residential spaces, is highly competitive, meaning that those who continually provide more efficient options are better able to distinguish themselves as trusted industry leaders. In simple terms, offering pipe relining sets you apart from competitors, a key factor influencing potential growth.

Relining can be gradually introduced to the services that you provide, allowing you to build a profitable venture that can expand with your workload.

With a competitive supplier market continuing to provide more efficient relining methods for installers, the opportunity to grow your business has never been better.

Contact us today to explore the benefits of pipe relining for your business.

Remember, whatever questions you have about getting started with relining, we’re here to support you every step of the way. We provide a comprehensive range of relining products, consumables and equipment, as well as certified training and support.

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